©  Universal/UFA Fiction/Ziegler Film Wolfgang Ennenbach

ICH WAR NOCH NIEMALS IN NEW YORK is "especially valuable", according to FBW (the German federal authority for evaluating and rating film and media)

Excerpt from the statement: "...Right from the start, the screen adapation of the stage musical which is based on Udo Jürgens' biggest hits is dazzling, colourful and fast-paced. The set display shines with many colours, everything appears to be a stage setting - and inspite of this the spectator is still part of the scene. This is due, partially, to the impressive cast: Heike Makatsch, Mortiz Bleibtreu, Katharina Thalbach, Uwe Ochsenknecht and many more give their all with lots of verve, obvious enjoyment and sparkling humour in their interpretations of the most famous songs from Udo Jürgens.


The songs' lyrics provide the framework for the story and are cleverly adapted and arranged and underline the numerous amusing entanglements and stage-true choreographies by Philipp Stölzl and his team. Evergreens such as "Merci, Cheri", "Und immer wieder geht die Sonne auf" and - obviously - "Ich war noch niemals in New York" with their amazing lyrics and their emotions help create the heartfelt and also reflective plot. ICH WAR NOCH NIEMALS IN NEW YORK is a film full of joy de vivre and the pure enjoyment of searching and finding true love. A film that will delight many more than just fans of the musical and of Udo Jürgens..."




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